(See also General Regulations and Regulations for Taught Postgraduate Curricula)
The degree of Master of Science in Financial Technology and Data Analytics (MSc(FTDA)) is a postgraduate degree awarded for the satisfactory completion of a prescribed curriculum in the Faculty of Engineering. The MSc(FTDA) curriculum is offered in part-time mode.
MScFTDA 1 Admission requirements
To be eligible for admission to the curriculum leading to the degree of MSc(FTDA), a candidate shall:
- comply with the General Regulations;
- comply with the Regulations for Taught Postgraduate Curricula;
- hold
(i) a Bachelor's degree in Engineering or Science discipline of this University; or
(ii) a relevant qualification of equivalent standard from this University or from another university or comparable institution accepted for this purpose; and
- satisfy the examiners in a qualifying examination if required.
MScFTDA 2 Qualifying Examination
- A qualifying examination may be set to test the candidate's academic ability or his/her ability to follow the curriculum prescribed. It shall consist of one or more written papers or their equivalent and may include a dissertation.
- A candidate who is required to satisfy the examiners in a qualifying examination shall not be permitted to register until he/she has satisfied the examiners in the examination.
MScFTDA 3 Period of Study
The curriculum shall normally extend over two academic years of part-time study. Candidates shall not be permitted to extend their studies beyond the maximum period of registration of three academic year of part-time study, unless otherwise permitted or required by the Board of Faculty. The period of study shall include any assessment to be held during and/or at the end of each semester.
MScFTDA 4 Curriculum Requirements
To complete the curriculum, a candidate shall, within the prescribed maximum period of registration stipulated in Regulation MScFTDA3 above:
- satisfy the requirements prescribed in TPG6 of the Regulations for Taught Postgraduate Curricula;
- take not fewer than 75 credits of courses, in the manner specified in these regulations and syllabuses and pass all courses as specified in the syllabuses;
- follow courses of instruction and complete satisfactorily all prescribed practical / laboratory work; and
- satisfy the examiners in all forms of assessment as may be required in either
- at least 75 credits of courses which must include a project of 12 credits as capstone experience; or
- at least 60 credits of courses successfully completed at this University (which must include a project of 12 credits) and not more than 15 credits of courses successfully completed at this or another university before admission to the MSc(FTDA) and approved by the Faculty Board.
MScFTDA 5 Project report
- A candidate is required to submit the project report by a date specified by the Board of Examiners.
- All candidates shall submit a statement that the project report represents his/her own work undertaken after the registration as a candidate for the degree.
MScFTDA 6 Selection of Courses
- A candidate shall select courses according to the guidelines stipulated in the syllabuses for the degree of MSc(FTDA).
- Selection of study patterns, as stipulated in the respective syllabus, shall be subject to the approval of the Head of the Department concerned.
- Candidates shall select their courses in accordance with these regulations and the guidelines specified in the syllabuses before the beginning of each academic year.
- Changes to the selection of courses may be made only during the add/drop period of the semester in which the course begins, and such changes shall not be reflected in the transcript of the candidate.
- Subject to the approval of the Committee on Taught Postgraduate Curricula on the recommendation of the Head of the Department concerned, a candidate may in exceptional circumstances be permitted to select additional course(s).
- Requests for changes after the designated add/drop period of the semester shall be subject to the approval of the Committee on Taught Postgraduate Curricula. Withdrawal from courses beyond the designated add/drop period will be subject to the approval of the Committee on Taught Postgraduate Curricula.
MScFTDA 7 Assessment
- A candidate shall satisfy the examiners in all the prescribed courses as specified in the syllabus. Examinations shall normally be held after the completion of the prescribed course of study for that course, unless otherwise specified. #
- A candidate, who is unable to complete the requirements within the prescribed maximum period of study specified in Regulation MScFTDA 3 because of illness or circumstances beyond his/her control, may apply for permission to extend his/her period of studies.
- A candidate who has failed to satisfy the examiners in any course(s) is required to make up for failed course(s) in the following manners:
- undergoing re-assessment/re-examination in the failed courses); or
- repeating the failed course(s) by undergoing instruction and satisfying the assessments; or
- taking another course in lieu and satisfying the assessment requirements.
- A candidate who has failed to satisfy the examiners in his/her project report may be required to submit or resubmit a project report on the same subject within a period specified by the Board of Examiners.
- In accordance with G9(h) of the General Regulation and TPG8(d) of the Regulations for Taught Postgraduate Curricula, there shall be no appeal against the results of examinations and all other forms of assessment.
# Subject to University approval
MScFTDA 8 Grading system
Individual courses shall be graded according to the following grading system as determined by the Board of Examiners:
Grade Point
MScFTDA 9 Discontinuation of Studies
Unless otherwise permitted by the Board of the Faculty, a candidate will be recommended for discontinuation of their studies in accordance with General Regulation G12 if he/she has:
- failed to pass 12 credits in an academic year; or
- failed to satisfy the examiners at a second attempt in his/her project report within the specified period; or
- failed to achieve a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 1.0 or higher for two consecutive semesters with course enrolment; or
- exceeded the maximum period of registration specified in Regulation MScFTDA3.
MScFTDA 10 Advanced Standing
Advanced standing may be granted to candidates in recognition of studies completed successfully before admission to the curriculum in accordance with TPG3 of the Regulations for Taught Postgraduate Curricula. Candidates who are awarded Advanced Standing will not be granted any further credit transfer for those studies for which Advanced Standing has been granted. The amount of credits to be granted for Advanced Standing shall be determined by the Board of the Faculty, in accordance with the following principles:
- a candidate may be granted a total of not more than 20% of the total credits normally required under a curriculum for Advanced Stranding unless otherwise approved by the Senate; and
- credits granted for advanced standing shall not be included in the calculation of the GPA but will be recorded on the transcript of the candidate.
MScFTDA 11 Award of Degree
To be eligible for the award of the degree of MSc(FTDA), a candidate shall:
- comply with the General Regulations and the Regulations for Taught Postgraduate Curricula;
- complete the curriculum and satisfy the examiners in accordance with the regulations set out; and
- achieve a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 1.0 or higher.
MScFTDA 12 Assessment results
On successful completion of the curriculum, candidates who have shown exceptional merit of achieving a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.6 or higher may be awarded a mark of distinction, and this mark shall be recorded on the candidates’ degree diploma.
Syllabus of MSc(FTDA)
Click to see the Syllabus. They are applicable to students admitted to the curriculum in 2024-2025 and thereafter.